Fringe Quote

[Walter singing 'Deck the Halls' while playing with red and green lights]
Peter: Hey, Walter, don't you think it's a little early in the season for the yuletide cheer?
Walter: I'm reciting Christmas carols in an attempt to jar loose some details from my subconscious to remember where I heard mention of the green and red lights, but sadly, it hasn't yet worked.
Peter: So you thought it would be more useful to work on your Christmas tree decorations?
Walter: Though I can't recall where I heard of the lights, it did give me an idea, a theory as to how the boy was taken. I was hired to design a technology, an intricate pattern of flashing lights intended to create a suggestive state of hypnosis. Theoretically, the test subjects would do whatever commanded. Bark like a dog, dance a jig, wash the car...
Peter: The U.S. government had you working on mind control?
Walter: Not the government. It was an advertising agency. They hoped to broadcast the flashing lights during commercials so the viewers would have no choice but to buy their products. Unfortunately, it merely caused nausea. Which was unfortunate because apparently people don't like to shop when they feel like they're going to throw up.

TV Show: Fringe


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