Frequency Quotes

John: You went down thirty years ago, pal. You just don't know it yet.

Movie: Frequency
John Sullivan: Do exactly what I say ok?
Gordo Hersch: Bull hicky. You can't tell me what to do.
John Sullivan: Don't screw with me you little pisher, I know everything about you. I have complete knowledge of the universe.
Gordo Hersch: That's not true, only God knows...
John Sullivan: Oh, yeah well who put rubber cement in the coach's jockstrap, or who put the frog in Melissa Gluckman's locker and lets not forget about grandpa's laxative in the sweet potatoes last Thanksgiving. You did all that.
Gordo Hersch: What do you want Mister?
John Sullivan: Ok...

Movie: Frequency
John Sullivan: You gotta be more careful, cause I can't lose you again. Not like that.
Frank Sullivan: You won't John. You won't. I swear to God, no matter what. You got it? You hear me?
John Sullivan: I hear you.
Frank Sullivan: So how old are you?
John Sullivan: I'm 36.
Frank Sullivan: 36. You're all grown up. You must be married and everything.
John Sullivan: No, I'm not married.
Frank Sullivan: What? Too busy playing ball?
John Sullivan: It didn't work out. I gave it up.
Frank Sullivan: What happened?
John Sullivan: I blew my arm out senior year. Didn't have a shot.
Frank Sullivan: Oh, I'm sorry Johnny. I know that had to hurt.
John Sullivan: Thanks.
Frank Sullivan: So what did ya wind up doing? You join the department?
John Sullivan: Actually I went the other way. I'm a cop.
Frank Sullivan: [laughing] What? You're 3rd generation fire fighter. Come on I thought you were gonna grow out of that cop thing.
John Sullivan: Well you got Satch to thank for that one.
Frank Sullivan: You're kidding me huh. Satch? He was always crazy about you ever since you were born. You're still my little chief, right?
John Sullivan: Yeah, I'm trying to be. I'm trying.

Movie: Frequency
Julia Sullivan: What's going on here, Satch?
Satch: Frank says that he talks to Johnny, little Johnny on the radio in the future, and this guy claims to be your son!
Julia Sullivan: Well, I talked to him too, once. He's a cop.
Satch: You talked to the guy on the radio?

Movie: Frequency