FLCL Quote

[Naota in a hospital checking his bump]
Haruko [as nurse]: Hmmm . . . Flictonic Clipple Webber Syndrome
Naota: Uh...Fooly Cooly?
Haruko: Adolescent psychological skin hardening syndrome. It’s a common disease where children grow horns from trying too hard.
Naota: That’s a lie, I never heard that before.
Haruko: Yeah I lied; so what is the truth? Underneath the band-aid?
Naota: What are you doing in the hospital?
Haruko: Stay right there. I’m going to make you feel all better.
[crashing sounds]
Haruko: It's my special treatment!
[crashing stops and Naota sneaks out of the hospital]
Haruko: Huh? Where'd he go? Heyyyy....heyyyy.... Taro-kun?



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