Fateful Findings Quotes

Dylan: [while cradling Jim's dead body]I can't believe you committed suicide. I cannot believe you committed suicide. How could you have done this? How could you have committed suicide?

Movie: Fateful Findings
Jim: We haven't had sex in a while, do you realize that?

Movie: Fateful Findings
Emily: I want you to try this new wine.
Amy: I'd love to try your wine!

Movie: Fateful Findings
Bank President: I resign today as President of the Bank.

Movie: Fateful Findings
Dylan: I have so much work I'll never get done. [types keys on laptop]
Dylan: I'm going to continue hacking into these government systems to see what I can find out. [types more keys]
Dylan: About all this national AND international corruption that I know is going on.

Movie: Fateful Findings
Dylan: I wanna be honest with all of you. I've been hacking into government and corporate systems all over the country. All over the world. I have discovered more information than any hacker ever has. Ever. What I have found will shock you. Here are the files and supporting documents. And supporting truths. The factual documents. I'm releasing these files to the public today.

Movie: Fateful Findings
Dylan: Where is she?
Kidnapper: Who?
Dylan: Lea!
Kidnapper: I don't know who that is!
Dylan: Give me the keys to these locks.
Kidnapper: I don't have any keys.
Dylan: Give me the key to the locks!
Kidnapper: I don't have a key. I don't know anything!
Dylan: Give me the key!
Kidnapper: I don't have... [Dylan smashes a bottle on the kidnapper's head]

Movie: Fateful Findings