Far Out Isn't Far Enough: The Tomi Ungerer Story Quote

Tomi Ungerer: I was with my friend and her father was sheriff of Amarillo, Texas. And we went there for Christmas. There I realized there was such a thing in America like segregation. I was there for Christmas and he says, 'Oh, let's have now a barbecue in nigger town. Everything was segregated. You could not have taken a black man in a white restaurant! Can you imagine a European discovering segregation in America? This is inconceivable! It was just as bad as fascism. As bad as anything I had ever seen. This is something that so totally revolted me. I mean, there's no word for it. One reads about it, but to see it and realize it; that was really the trigger. And that's why I started The Underground Sketchbook.

Movie: Far Out Isn't Far Enough: The Tomi Ungerer Story


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