Failure to Launch Quote

Paula: Look, many young men who should be able to move out, simply can't. It's called "failure to launch". And that's where I come in. Young men develop self-esteem best during a romantic relationship, so I simulate one. We have a memorable meeting. We get to know each other over a few casual meals, he helps me through an emotional crisis, then I meet his friends, if he has any... Then I let him teach me something... But the bottom line is, he bonds with me. He lets go of you. He moves out.
Al: But how do you make sure that he'll fall in love with you?
Paula: You look nice, you find out what they like, and then you pretend to like it, too.
Sue: That is pretty much how it works.
Al: What about sex?
Paula: Al, I never have sex with a client. Besides, I need to keep Tripp motivated, and let's face it, after men have sex...
Sue: Is there anything that we need to do?
Paula: Well, for starters, you could make life a little more difficult for him. You know, more chores, more responsibilities, that kind of thing.
Sue: I just think you should know that Tripp has had some rough breaks.
Paula: I promise you, when this is over, Tripp is going to be an independant, self-sufficient adult.

Movie: Failure to Launch


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