Everybody Hates Chris Quote

Narrator: After everything I'd been through with Tasha and as crazy as she acted, she really did have a point. Breakin' up over one fight wasn't worth it, and if she didn't think it was over, then it wasn't over.
Tasha: Oh, Chris.
Chris: Hey. I was mad earlier.
Tasha: I noticed.
Chris: It's not that I want to break up with you. I just think we need to get clear about some things.
Tasha: Like what?
Chris: First of all, you cannot cancel my work so we can go hang out.
Tasha: OK.
Chris: And I'm sorry that I overreacted. I'm new to this relationship stuff.
Tasha: OK, good.
Chris: What's wrong?
Tasha: I am breaking up with you.
Chris: I thought you said that we were still together.
Tasha: Until I said we were breaking up. We're breaking up. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.
Narrator: Me, either.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris


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