Everybody Hates Chris Quote

Narrator: My Uncle Ryan was Drew's favorite uncle because he was a dreamer, and his dream was to open a successful business. He had some bad ideas.
Ryan: Fried bread crust.
Drew: Fried bread crust?
Ryan: Some people like the inside of the bread. This is for people that like the outside.
Narrator: This is for people who like bypass surgery.
Julius: [eating a bread crust] How much you need?
Narrator: And a couple of good ideas.
Ryan: They got 31 flavors of ice cream, I got 31 flavors of chocolate milk. Swiss chocolate, cinnamon chocolate, raspberry chocolate, maple chocolate, peanut butter chocolate. You gotta get in on this.
Julius: Well, what flavor is this?
Ryan: This is milk chocolate.
Drew: Milk chocolate chocolate milk?
Narrator: Official drink of diabetes.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris


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