Everybody Hates Chris Quote

Rochelle: [Serving dinner, which consists only of toast] See, I got wheat toast and white toast and raisin and crust and crustless.
Narrator: No pumpernickle?
Rochelle: Mommy also has grape jelly, strawberry jelly, hot sauce...
Narrator: Hot sauce?!
Rochelle: ...cinnimon,
Narrator: Hot sauce?
Rochelle: ...honey, and syrup to dip your crust in.
Chris: Hot sauce?
Julius: [To Tonya] Um, did you finish up those quarters like I asked?
Tonya: Yep, ten rolls.
Julius: [smiles] Good girl.
Drew: Hey Chris, can you pass me the hot sauce?
Narrator: Hot sauce?

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris


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