Due South Quote

Ray Vecchio: I'm telling you, this is a waste of time. There's no way he gave you the right address. I mean, this is the guy's father.
Buck Frobisher: You're right, could be a trap. Now, we go in, ready for battle. [they burst into a room full of elderly people playing bingo] Alright! Nobody move! Get your hands on the table! Get those daubers where I can see 'em! [to an old guy on a walker] You, Pops! Hands in the air! [he obeys, loses his balance, and falls backwards] Oh, sorry.
[Outside the building the old guy is being carried off in on a stretcher]
Ray: Did anyone check this guy's birthday before we started out on this manhunt? Walter Ho was 91 years old. Wouldn't you say the trail's a tad cold?
Benton Fraser: Might have worked with Geiger early in his career.
Ray: Early in his career?! This guy started out with the James gang! Alright, where to next?
Buck: 907 Mill Street Road. I've run into this guy before, we're not going to find him in any bingo parlor. Trager, James.
[They find themselves at the cementary]
Buck: Born February 13, 1937. Died November 2, 1993.
Ray: Okay, I'll get the shovel, you handle the interrogation.

TV Show: Due South


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