Don't Let Him In Quotes

[last lines]Shawn: [sneers]What's so funny? [last lines]
Paige: [smugly]You look terrified

Movie: Don't Let Him In
Shawn: Tristan didn't understand... he killed because he had too... not because he wanted too
Shawn: [on a tree]I went inside I told it my deepest darkest secrets... and all it asked in return... was to be fed

Movie: Don't Let Him In
Tristan: [Page says Tristan lacks manners]*Manners* are for *plebs*
Paige: [defiantly]I rest my case

Movie: Don't Let Him In
Calvin: [Tristan asks if he got a text]You tell me... firestarter

Movie: Don't Let Him In
Tristan: [on Calvin being murdered]You seriously expect us to believe he [Shawn]
Tristan: didn't kill him and left him out there with maggots coming out of his eyes?
Shawn: I didn't say they were coming out of his eyes... I said they were coming out of his mouth

Movie: Don't Let Him In