Doctor X Quote

Martha: [lifting a Tank of water containing a hand out of Jack's bag and placing it on the tabetop] Oh, my, God! You've got a hand? A hand in a jar? A hand, in a jar, in your bag!

Doctor: Bu-tha-tha-that's *my* hand!

Jack: I said I had a Doctor Detector.

Chantho: Chan, is this a tradition amongst your people, tho?

Martha: Not on my street! What do you mean that's your hand? You've got both your hands! I can see them!

Doctor: Long story. I lost my hand, Christmas Day, in a sword fight.
[Flashback: The Sycorax Leader chops the Doctor's hand off]

Martha: What? And you... grew another hand?

Doctor: Um, yeah. I did, yeah.
[holds it up and waves it]

Doctor: Hello.

Professor Yana: [to the Doctor] Might I ask, what species are you?

Doctor: Time Lord. Last of. Heard of them? Legend or anything? Not even a myth? Blimey, the end of the Universe is a bit humbling.

Chantho: Chan, it is said that I am the last of my species too, tho.

Doctor: Sorry, what was your name?

Professor Yana: My assistant, and good friend Chantho. A survivor of the Malmooth, this was their planet Malcassairo, before we took refuge.

Doctor: The city outside, that was yours?

Chantho: Chan, the conglomeration died, tho.

Doctor: Conglomeration! That's what I said!

Jack: You're supposed to say, "sorry".


Movie: Doctor X


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