Despicable Me 3 Quote

Agnes: [to the Scar Faced Man]You saw a for real, like, unicorn? What did it look like? Did you pet it? Did it smell like candy? Was it FLUFFY?
The Scar Faced Man: It was so fluffy... I thought I was gonna die! [Agnes smiles and screams extremely loud]
Lucy Wilde: [outside the shop]Agnes! [breaks in and severely attacks everyone]
Lucy Wilde: Excuse me! [grabs a dart from someone and puts it in another person]
Lucy Wilde: Don't worry, I'm here! [picks Agnes up]
Lucy Wilde: Are you okay? [pants]
Edith: Yeah, we're fine. Are you...?
Agnes: Unicorns are really real! And I'm gonna find ONE! [happily runs outside the shop]
Lucy Wilde: [to everyone who is knocked out on the floor after she attacked them]Sorry. Went a little mamma bear on ya. You know, I heard a scream and... Yeah, okay. Have a good one!

Movie: Despicable Me 3


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