Designing Women Quote

[The ladies gather around Mary Jo's television to watch Julia's one-minute speech on the news against Commissioner Brickett.]
Suzanne: I know someone who's not going to think Julia's too wonderful.
Charlene: Who?
Suzanne: Wilson Pickett.
Charlene: Wilson Pickett?
Suzanne: You know, that black guy with the bow tie. Where have you been, Charlene? I mean that's what we're doing here.
Charlene: Suzanne, his name is not Wilson Pickett, it's Wilson Brickett. Wilson Pickett's a black singer.
Suzanne: Okay, so I was close.
Charlene: How do you figure you were close, because they're both black? You might as well have said Don King.
Suzanne: Who's Don King?
Charlene: Who's Don King?! You don't know who he is either?
Suzanne: Oh yeah, I know who he is. He's that guy who sings "Tiny Bubbles."
Charlene: "Tiny Bubbles"?! Suzanne, Don King does not sing "Tiny Bubbles," that's Don Ho! (to Julia) She just does this to drive me insane. It's like we're the Smothers brothers, and she's Tommy and I'm Dick.
Mary Jo: (walks in with a tray) What is the matter?
Suzanne: Oh, I don't know, Mary Jo, it's just Charlene. She's in here raving about "Tiny Bubbles" and calling herself Dick.

TV Show: Designing Women


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