Dear White People Quote

Dean Fairbanks: What sort of vision do you have for yourself?
Troy Fairbanks: Get my degree. Then law school.
Dean Fairbanks: And what's that got to do with partying with Kurt? With smoking weed and writing jokes? Okay, so what? Is it the spotlight Kurt gets? You want to be on... tv or something? You know how many Black men waste their lives to get on TV? Be rappers and ball players?
Troy Fairbanks: Dad no. I want what we always talked about. Maybe have my own firm someday? Run for office. Make a difference. Wife. Kids. I want all that. I really, really do.
Dean Fairbanks: And the drugs? God damn it Troy I taught you better than this. I have been in academia a long time, I've seen a lot of things. The men who really run this world? You got no idea what they see when they see you. You are not going to be what they all think you are. You will not give them that satisfaction, you hear me?
Troy Fairbanks: Yes sir.

Movie: Dear White People


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