Dawson's Creek Quote

Jen: What are you doing here? It's late. Doesn't this hospital have visitation hours?
Jack: I, uh... flirted with a nurse. I can be quite charming when I want to be.
Jen: What happens when she finds out you're gay?
Jack: It's a male nurse.
Jen: Cute?
Jack: Look, Jen... I would love nothing more than to engage in our patented, meaningless, good-humored Jack-Jen fag-hag banter, but... first I was kinda wondering, I mean, since you're lying here in this hospital bed and you're hooked up to all these machines... how come? How come you didn't tell me, 'cause I thought I was your best friend?
Jen: Because I didn't want you to be worried. I was already worrying enough. Because I thought that if I pretended it didn't exist, it would just go away. Because I like it. I like our... patented, meaningless fag-hag banter, and 'cause I was scared if I said it out loud, it would be true, because I was just-- I was just scared. 'Cause I was an idiot.
Jack: You are an idiot. I--I could've handled it. I could've helped you handle it.
Jen: Well, you will help me handle it. I need you.

TV Show: Dawson's Creek


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