Dawson's Creek Quote

Dawson: Cut, cut. Audrey, you're gonna have to take the robe off.
Audrey: You're kidding me.
Dawson: I thought we'd be in tight enough so we wouldn't see it, but it's right there.
Patrick: This is, like, my dream day.
Audrey: Ok, Dawson, what if I just show a little shoulder?
Dawson: Problem is, I need bare skin.
Jen: You need, like, spaghetti straps.
Joey: She's right. You have to have something to match the wardrobe Audrey would be wearing if Pacey junior hadn't walked into her chest with a jelly doughnut.
Dawson: We don't have an E.T.A. on that dress yet, do we?
Jack: Yes. Spin cycle. Your mom says it's gonna be about, uh, 20 minutes.
Patrick: Uh, excuse me. Is there any scenario in which she could just take off all her clothes? You know, at least for one take? Because then, you know, I feel like I could really give you an appropriate on-camera react—
[Joey grabs him by the ear.]
Patrick: Aah!
Joey: Can I have 5 minutes alone with this guy?
Patrick: You don't know how long I dreamed of hearing you say that.

TV Show: Dawson's Creek


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