Dawson's Creek Quote

Jack: So you really don't mind taking Audrey home?
David: Well, sure, I mind, but, you know, my inner drama queen respects her refusal to come out of the bathroom till Jen and Pacey leave.
Jack: Heh heh heh! Thanks, man. I just don't want to ditch Jen, you know. I mean, I don't think this evening turned out quite the way she planned.
David: Hmm. Yeah. I know the feeling.
Jack: So, we're, uh, not doing too well at this, are we?
David: Well, the hanging out has been good. But the dating? I think it's safe to say that when two gay guys go on a date, and each ends up going home with a hot blond girl, something's definitely not working.
Jack: Yeah.

TV Show: Dawson's Creek


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