Dawson's Creek Quote

Pacey: [showing her an old boat] Isn't she beautiful?
Joey: Yeah, in a Titanic, post-iceberg sort of way. Where did you get this?
Pacey: A friend of my brother's, he works down at the marina. He rescued her after the last hurricane. The guy who owned it didn't want her any more, so I convinced him to sell it to me for like, two hundred bucks. When I finish with this boat it is going to be sheer perfection. Look at that.
Joey: Pacey, do you know how much money and time it will take to even get this boat to float?
Pacey: Yeah. Not a minute more or less than as long as it takes me. You watch, Potter, in a couple of months I'll be sailing this baby around the world.
Joey: I hate to break it to you Captain Stubing, but you can't sail around the world in a twenty foot boat.
Pacey: Sure I can.
Joey: Where are you going to put the supplies?
Pacey: Hey, the USS Minnow was no bigger than this, and they found room for all of Mr. Howell's money, all the professor's tools, all of Ginger's clothes...(Joey starts to go up the ladder) And where do you think you're going?
Joey: (She smiles and steps down to the ground, then holds up her hand) Permission to come aboard?
Pacey: (Smiles and holds out his hand) Permission granted. (He takes her hand and helps her up the ladder to the boat)

TV Show: Dawson's Creek


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