Dawson's Creek Quote

Mr.McPhee: If I'd just been around more.
Jack: It wouldn't have made a difference. I'm gay for the same reasons that Tim wasn't. It just happened that way.
Mr.McPhee: But there are people who change, they go back.
Jack: I'm hardly the encyclopedia of the gay experience but, I'd wager to say that their change is skeptical.
Mr.McPhee: How do you know? Unless you try.
Jack: I don't want to try. Why do you want me to try?
Mr.McPhee: Because I can not understand why anyone would choose that kind of life.
Jack: I didn't choose it. The only thing I chose was to be happy. Look, I can't go back for you because slowly but surely I'd be going to sacrifice my happiness for yours because I want you to be proud of me. But not under your terms. It just, it won't work.

TV Show: Dawson's Creek


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