Dawson's Creek Quote

Pacey: So what? I mean at least she didn't tell you that the sight of you gives her dry heaves or that you're a self-centered, self-absorbed, selfish...
Dawson: Yeah, but she obviously has opinions about me that she hasn't been honest about. She said I was a..a talentless dreamer with no cinematic future.
Pacey: Okay, no offense, Dawson, but I don't think anybody cares.
Dawson: I care. And Pacey I could honestly use some advice here.
Pacey: Oh, you want some advice? How about this? Your life is not that interesting.
Dawson: What?
Pacey: You know I am so sick and tired of hearing about you and Joey's boring little mini dramas I'm going to start tearing out my fingernails for relief. Get over yourself, Dawson! Deal.

TV Show: Dawson's Creek


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