Dave Quotes

Batman: Stop with your tom-foolery; Gotham's at risk!

Movie: Dave
Dave: [trying to hide Faffy from Strom the Slayer in a fish bowl] You're going to have to give up this whole *breathing* thing.

Movie: Dave
Dave: According to the OMB, we have seventeen defense contractors who are delinquent in their contracts. Is this true, Frank?
Director of OMB: Uh, I believe so, yes.
Dave: So, even though they're late, we keep paying them on time?
Director of OMB: Well, in a sense... yeah.

Movie: Dave
Gina Morrison: [Dave is looking at a picture of Gina's late husband.] Captain?
Dave: Yes?
Gina Morrison: That's my husband. He was a captain with the Navy.
Dave: I am a captain.
Gina Morrison: Really? A captain of what? [Inside the ship, Number 3 looks something up.]
Dave: I am a captain of crunch.

Movie: Dave
Phillipe: Hello Israelites! You are pigs!
Jean Claude: And soon we will put apples in your mouths and stick you in our toaster ovens!
Phillipe: Oho! After we defeat you, you will be our slaves and will have to fetch us our slippers!
Jean Claude: And iron our trousers!
Phillipe: And wipe our little noses!
Jean Claude: And scratch that spot on our backs we cannot reach no matter how hard we try! Don't you have anything to say?
Jimmy Gourd: Um - do you guys have any fried chicken? I've got a real hankering for fried chicken.
Jerry Gourd: Yeah! Me too!
Phillipe: This is going to be easier than we thought.

Movie: Dave
[Dave shakes hands with Duane just before they part company]
Duane: Dave?
Dave: Yeah?
Duane: I would have taken a bullet for you. [Dave looks stunned for a moment, then smiles]
Dave: Thanks, Duane.

Movie: Dave