Curb Your Enthusiasm Quote

Larry: [in reference to the Fowler's adopted child from China] Let me ask you this question, have you noticed if she has any proclivity for chopsticks?
Jamie: Why?
John: Why would she have a proclivity for chopsticks, Larry?
Larry: Well, she's Chinese.
John: Do you think she's also a Kung Fu master?
Larry: No, all I'm wondering is this, if you took an American kid who's never used chopsticks before and a Chinese kid who's never used chopsticks before, would the Chinese kid do better?
John: So the American kid is the control group?
Jamie: Okay, you know what, she uses a fork.
Larry: Do me a favor.
Jamie: What?
Larry: First time she uses chopsticks, gimme a call me and just let me know. Gimme a call and just say "Hey, you know what? You wouldn't believe it.."

TV Show: Curb Your Enthusiasm


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