Coriolanus Quote

[Coriolanus picks up Brutus and tosses him from the podium] Coriolanus: For the mutable, rank-scented many, let them regard me as I do not flatter, and therein behold themselves. I say again, in soothing them, we nourish against our senate the cockle of rebellion, insolence, sedition, which we ourselves have ploughed for, sowed, and scattered by mingling *them* with *us*, the honoured numbered, who lack not virtue, no, nor power, but that which they have given to beggars.
Menenius: Well, not more!
Valeria: We beg you, no more words, pray.
Coriolanus: How now, no more? As for my country, I have shed my blood, not fearing outward force, so shall my lungs coin words till their decay against those measles, which we disdain, should tatter us, yet sought the very way to catch them.
Brutus: You speak of the people as if you were a god to punish.
Sicinia: 'Twere well we let the people know it.
Menenius: What, what? His choler?
Coriolanus: Choler! Were I as patient as the midnight sleep, by Jove, 'twould be my mind.
Sicinia: It is a mind that *shall* remain a poison where it is, not a poison any further.
Coriolanus: 'Shall remain'? Hear you this Triton of the minnows? Mark you hear her absolute 'shall'?
Cominius: 'Twas from the canon.
Coriolanus: 'Shall'? O good but most unwise patricians. Why, you grave but reckless senators have you thus given... [Coriolanus drops to the floor, picking up vouchers]
Coriolanus: ...Hydra here to choose an officer that with peremptory 'shall', being but the horn and noise of the monster's, wants not spirit say she'll turn your current in a ditch, and make your channels hers? If she have power, then vail your ignorance. If none, awake your dangerous lenity. If you are learned, be not as common fools. If you are not, let them have cushio

Movie: Coriolanus


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