Command and Conquer (VG) Quote

Yuri: [the intro to Operation: Red Revolution] Comerade General, you have been a lot more tenacious that I have thought. What a great threat you are to your enemies. Do me this favor, grace me with your presence in Moscow. So, I may thank you in person.
Lt. Zofia: Before you go anywhere Comerade, you should see this [shows a video tape]
Lt. Zofia: it just arrived today. It says to mailed in event of Premier's death. [inserts the tape]
Premier Alexander Romanov: [holding his head and trying to talk] If... you... have... received this. Then, I presume by now I'm finally... dead. I'm... losing... I do'nt know... how to... Oh mother Russia. I'm forgeting... words. [maintains his composure]
Premier Alexander Romanov: Yuri, he is controlling my mind. He has killed me. When I'm... gone now, the command is yours. Send this tape far and wide. Take my country back for the glory of Russia and the spirit of justice.
Lt. Zofia: I think you're satisfied now, da? Yuri has a big stringhold just outside Moscow and has amassed his own forces. But, the bulk of the army is yours. [puts her hand up slightly]
Lt. Zofia: Do'nt. Do'nt speak General. They are listening for you now. if we do not seak again, [salutes you]
Lt. Zofia: it has been an honor to serve you.

Movie: Command and Conquer (VG)


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