Comisar acuza, Un Quote

Zavoianu: Panaitescu warned me: if they find out anything, we're done...
Dinca: I have the solution in my pocket. We assign a clever inspector, admired by the people and with no connection to the Iron Guard. This way, nobody will suspect anything, and we follow with our plan.
Zavoianu: We don't need a clever one, this could ruin everything for us.
Dinca: Don't worry, I'll handle the details. The investigation will conclude that the massacre at Viraga was performed by the communists who were tring to escape from the prison, while the other assassinations where operated by persons who managed to get away.
Zavoianu: Who do you propose?
Tudor Moldovan: Inspector Moldovan
Zavoianu: Mr. Moldovan, General Director Dinca has recommended you for a very difficult assignament. I am sure you will handle it very well.
Tudor Moldovan: Viraga?
Zavoianu: So, you can read people's mind...
Tudor Moldovan: This is a political problem and it is out of my jurisdiction. I deal with other things: thieves, hookers...
Dinca: It is precisely your political objectivity that made us choose you in the first place.

Movie: Comisar acuza, Un


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