Code Geass Quote

Mao: He's a cruel man, isn't he? Lelouch.
Shirley Fenette: How do you know about Lulu?
Mao: Aw, he deceived you. Never told you he's Zero.
Shirley: [gasps and drops her bag] Who are you?! What do you want?!
Mao: The same mouth that ordered your father's death stole a kiss from your tender lips. He's a very bad man, and you like it. [Shirley shudders as he walks towards her] Punishment must be measured out, to him…and to you.
Shirley: To me?
Mao: I know everything. All that happened that night.
[flash back to the previous night, during the Black Knight assault on the Britannian forces at the harbor; Shirley is in shock that Lelouch and Zero have been revealed to be one and the same]
Viletta Nu: Is that Zero?
[Shirley stands aside as Viletta approaches the unconscious Lelouch, kneels next to him, and grabs him by the hair]
Viletta: Well, well, what a shocker. The student is Zero himself. A Britannian? [laughs evilly before letting go of Lelouch's hair] When I bring him to Viceroy Cornelia, she'll make me a noble! Not just a knight of honor, real nobility! And he's still alive, too! What kind of grand execution will they have in store for him. [stands up to face Shirley] Of course, you'll be rewarded too--
[Viletta gasps, as Shirley is now pointing her gun at her]
Viletta: Stupid of me. He's your boyfriend, isn't he?! [charges towards Shirley]
Shirley: Lulu! [guns down Viletta]
[flash forward to the present day]
Mao: So you're a killer, too. Just like Zero.
Shirley: [gasps] No! That's not true! I just--
Mao: And you actually used your father's death for your own gain.
Shirley: [gasps again] No! I just-- I just--

TV Show: Code Geass


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