Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers Quote

[After the Phone-a-matic Modemizer jumbles them up]
Chip: We've just turned into the Rescue Mutants!
Monty: [In Chip's body] Look at me! I'm nothing but fur and bones.
Chip: [In Monty's body] Why do I have this sudden urge for cheese cake?
Gadget: [In Dale's body] It's kinda breezy in here, isn't it? [Makes a skirt out of a toothpaste cap]
Dale: [With Gadget's body] Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear! I always wanted to get close to Gadget. But not this close!
Gadget: Keep the hands off the body!
Dale: Sorry.

TV Show: Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers


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