Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers Quote

Pi-Rat 2: I say we make them walk the plank.
Jolly Roger: Nah, we did that last time.
Pi-Rats: Awwwr!
Pi-Rat 3: How about we keelhaul them?
Pi-Rats: AARR!!
Jolly Roger: Nah, we just painted the keel.
Pi-Rats: Awwwr!
Stormy: We could dress 'em like bunnies and dip 'em in chocolate.
Pi-Rats: AAar.... Huh?!!
Jolly Roger: I'm afraid that ain't pi-rat-ical enough, Stormy.
Gadget: Well, considering the time of day and all, you could bury us in the sand and wait for high tide to come in.
Pi-Rats: AAAAAAAR!!!!
Jolly Roger: A fine idea!
Chip: Gadget!
Gadget: Oops! You know I can't resist a challenge.

TV Show: Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers


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