Cant Hardly Wait Quote

[Kenny walks up to a stoned girl]
Kenny Fisher: Hey, whatsup? [no reply]
Kenny Fisher: Damn, it is noisy in here. Wanna go talk outside? Should be quieter out there.
Stephanie, Stoned Girl: Okay. [Kenny sees that the girl's eyes are blank]
Kenny Fisher: Do you, uh... what a drink?
Stephanie, Stoned Girl: Okay.
Kenny Fisher: Uh... how 'bout I poison it?
Stephanie, Stoned Girl: Okay. [Kenny sees that she's totally stoned]
Kenny Fisher: Hey, whaddya say we, uh... go upstairs and... [another girl enters]
Candy, Stoned Girl's Friend: Stephanie! There you are! [to Kenny]
Candy, Stoned Girl's Friend: Thank God you found her! She just took three thingies of herbal ecstasy and wondered off! She's so out of it, anything could have happened and she probably wouldn't even know it! God, I was so worried somebody was... well you know, taking advantage of her or something. Here, help me get her on her feet. [Kenny helps the friend help the stoned girl stand up and the two girls walk off]
Candy, Stoned Girl's Friend: Come on honey, I'm gonna take you to the car.
Stephanie, Stoned Girl: Okay.

Movie: Cant Hardly Wait


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