Bridesmaids Quotes

Megan: I'm glad he's single because I'm going to climb that like a tree.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Helen: [Crying]Why are you smiling?
Annie: It's just... it's the first time I've ever seen you look ugly... and that makes me kind of happy.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Annie: You read my diary?
Brynn: At first I did not know it was your diary, I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Annie: [after Helen insists the flight attendant allow Annie to use her first class seat]Help me I'm poor.

Movie: Bridesmaids
13-Year-Old Girl in Jewelry Store: You're weird.
Annie: I'm not weird. OK?
13-Year-Old Girl in Jewelry Store: Yes, you are.
Annie: No, I'm not! And you started it.
13-Year-Old Girl in Jewelry Store: No, you started it! Did you forget to take your Xanax this morning?
Annie: Oh, I feel bad for your parents.
13-Year-Old Girl in Jewelry Store: I feel bad for your face.
Annie: OK... well, call me when your boobs come in.
13-Year-Old Girl in Jewelry Store: You call me when yours come in.
Annie: What do you have, four boyfriends?
13-Year-Old Girl in Jewelry Store: Exactly.
Annie: OK... yeah, have fun having a baby at your prom.
13-Year-Old Girl in Jewelry Store: You look like an old mop.
Annie: You know, you're not as popular as you think you are.
13-Year-Old Girl in Jewelry Store: I am very popular.
Annie: [sticks tongue in cheek and mimics fellatio]Oh, I'm sure you are... very... popular.
13-Year-Old Girl in Jewelry Store: Well, you're an old, single loser who's never going to have any friends.
Annie: You're a little cunt!

Movie: Bridesmaids
Flight Attendant Steve: You have 3 seconds to get back to your seat.
Annie: No one can get anywhere in 3 seconds. You're setting me up for a loss already.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Brynn: We would like to invite you to no longer live with us.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Helen's Stepson: I've seen better tennis playing in a tampon commercial.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Annie: Whatever you say 'Stove'.
Flight Attendant Steve: It's Steve.
Annie: 'Stove' what kind of a name is that?
Flight Attendant Steve: That's not a name. My name is Steve.
Annie: Are you an appliance?
Flight Attendant Steve: No I am a man, and my name is Steve.
Annie: You're a flight attendant.
Flight Attendant Steve: That is, absolutely accurate. You can close that.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Lillian: You remember my cousin, Rita.
Annie: Rita!
Rita: [hugs Annie]Annie, I haven't seen you since you graduated high school.
Lillian: She has three kids now.
Rita: Three boys.
Lillian: They're so cute.
Rita: They are cute, but when they reach that age, ugh. Disgusting. They smell, they're sticky, they say things that are horrible, and there is semen all over everything. Disgusting. I cracked a BLANKET in half. Do you get where I'm going with this?
Annie: I do, yeah.
Rita: [gesturing]I cracked it in HALF.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Ted: This is so awkward. I really want you to leave, but I don't know how to say it without sounding like a dick.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Megan: This is some classy sh-... [burp]
Megan: I want to apologize. I'm not even confident on which end that came out of.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Gil: Before you make those kinds of demands you should put a note on your door that says, Do not come into my room and read my diary and wear my clothes.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Rhodes: Do you want to tell a cop about it? We're just like priests except we would tell everybody afterwards.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Megan: I'm life, Annie, and I'm biting you in the ass! [bites Annie's ass]

Movie: Bridesmaids
Lillian: Why can't you be happy for me and then go home and talk about me behind my back like a normal person?

Movie: Bridesmaids
Annie: You're really doing it, aren't ya? You're shitting in the street!

Movie: Bridesmaids
Annie: Are you fucking kidding me?
Annie's Mom: Annie?
Annie: No, mom. Mother fucking Paris? I told you about Paris, Helen! I told you about this whole idea!
Lillian: Annie, calm down...
Annie: No, Lillian! What are you gonna go, you're gonna go to Paris with Helen now? What are you gonna, you guys gonna ride around on bikes with berets and fucking baguettes in the basket on the front of your bikes? Oh how romantic! What woman gives another woman a trip to Paris? Am I right? Lesbian! We're all thinking it, aren't we?
Becca: [quickly]I'm not.
Megan: I was.
Annie: Okay! Yes, we're all thinking it, right?
Annie's Mom: Annie...
Annie: Lillian, this is not the you that I know! The you that I know would have walked in here and rolled your eyes and would have thought that this was completely over the top, ridiculous, and stupid! Look at this shower! Look at that *fucking* cookie! Did you really think that this group of women was gonna finish that cookie? Really, and you know that reminds me actually; I never got a chance to try that *fucking* cookie! [storms off]

Movie: Bridesmaids
Helen: I went to Thailand recently with my husband, Perry, and there's a beautiful saying that I learned there. [Speaking Thai]
Helen: It means, You are a part of me, a part that I could never live without. And I hope and I pray that I never have to. Khob-kun-Ka [Bows to the crowd]
Helen: khob-kun-Ka, khob-kun-Ka. And that's it for tonight! Thank you for coming!
Annie: [interjecting]Really quick!
Helen: Thank you all for coming. The dessert wine is out.
Annie: I just wanted to say really quick.
Helen: [calling out]Consuelo!
Annie: Really quick! Speaking of Consuelo, Lillian and I took Spanish together in school. And so, I would just like to say to you and to everyone here, Gracias para vivar en la casa, en la escuelas, en... en la azul... markada. Tienes con bibir en las Fortuashla? and gracias!

Movie: Bridesmaids
Nervous Woman on Plane: I have to go to the bathroom but I heard about a woman who went to the bathroom on the plane - she got sucked into the toilet. Sucked right in.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Becca: You are more beautiful than Cinderella! You smell like pine needles, and have a face like sunshine!

Movie: Bridesmaids
Megan: It's coming out of me like lava!

Movie: Bridesmaids
Brynn: Guess what happened to me today?
Annie: Mmm... what?
Brynn: I got a free tattoo. I could not believe it. The guy said, do you want a tattoo?, opened up the side of his van...
Annie: Noooo...
Brynn: ...and said it's for free! So I said, sure.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Rhodes: How long has she been gone?
Annie: She's been missing for like 12 hours.
Rhodes: Twelve hours? It's not a missing person, until it's atleast 24 hours. Have you ever seen CSI? 24 hours. Let me go on with my job Annie.
Annie: Please, I really need your help.
Helen: [peeks her head over]Please... Nathan?
Rhodes: Who's this one?
Annie: Hi, I'm Helen. [reaches hand out]
Rhodes: What?
Annie: This is Helen...
Rhodes: [smiles]Hello, Helen. I've heard... wonderful things.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Rita: [Starting to feel sick from food poisoning]You know, I don't care which dress we get. I just need to get off this white carpet!

Movie: Bridesmaids
Annie: [Drunk on plane, pulls open curtains to coach after getting kicked out of first class]It's called civil *rights*. This is the '90s.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Ted: I wouldn't want to make you explain what our relationship is to all those people. That would suck for you.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Rita: [to her children]Hey! Shut your filthy fucking mouths!

Movie: Bridesmaids
[first lines]Annie: [having sex]I'm glad you called.
Ted: I'm so glad you were free.
Annie: I love your eyes.
Ted: Cup my balls.

Movie: Bridesmaids
Annie: It's a good tub. I slept there for my 30th birthday.

Movie: Bridesmaids