Blue Heelers Quote

Tom: So what are your plans for tomorrow?
PJ: Just another day.
Tom: Get out of it. Don't you usually spend Christmas with your Mum?
PJ: Yes, well, she's ahh...spending Christmas with her new ahh...What do you call it when they're that age?
Tom: Ahh...lover?
PJ: Well that was the word I was looking not to say. I mean, I don't even like the idea of my Mum having sex with my Dad!
Tom: That's pathetic, PJ!
PJ: This is a thousand times worse. I don't even want to think about it.
Tom: Are you suggesting there should be some kind of sunset peclause on sex?
PJ: Absolutely! I mean, if you're over 50 and my mother, you shouldn't be having sex. In fact, you shouldn't be having sex full stop...Present company excluded, of course.

TV Show: Blue Heelers


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