Blackadder Quote

Baldrick: I couldn't sleep when I was little.
Blackadder: You still are little, Baldrick.
Baldrick: Yeah, well, when I was even littler, see, we used to live in this big haunted hovel. Every night, my parents were troubled by a visitation from this disgusting ghoul. It was terrible. First there was this unholy smell, and then this tiny, clammy, hairy creature would materialize in the bed between them.
Blackadder: [absolutely disgusted] Yyyyyes... Tell me, Baldrick, when you gave up searching, did this repulsive entity mysteriously disappear?
Baldrick: That very day.
Blackadder: I think then that the mystery is solved. Now, either you leave me alone to think of a plan, or tomorrow we meet our maker – in my case, God; in your case, God-knows... but I'd be surprised if he won any design awards.

TV Show: Blackadder


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