Before I Disappear Quotes

Bill: You know the wonderful thing about you, Rich? It's that death isn't just a destination for you. It's a part of you. It lives in you. It's woven into the fabric of your soul. There's nothing you can do but embrace the fact that every day of your life ought to be your last.

Movie: Before I Disappear
Richie: Dear Vista, even death doesn't want me.

Movie: Before I Disappear
Sophia: How is Sophia supposed to go on to more adventures if you're not around?
Richie: Sophia is going to have a lot of adventures, no matter what.

Movie: Before I Disappear
Richie: [showing flip book cartoon]She dies, see, but then she always comes back to life. Sophia always comes back to life.

Movie: Before I Disappear
Sophia: You don't look really healthy. Do you take vitamins?
Richie: I take drugs...
Sophia: Those aren't vitamins.

Movie: Before I Disappear
Richie: So what you, uh, take school in the summer?
Sophia: Yes.
Richie: What, did you flunk?
Sophia: No. I was skipping sixth grade.
Richie: You're skipping sixth grade... skipping sixth grade. [taken aback, Richie reflects]
Richie: I loved sixth grade [pauses]
Richie: I loved it so much I took it twice.

Movie: Before I Disappear
[first lines] Richie: Dear Vista, I've been meaning to write this note for a long time, but as you know, I'm not very good at expressing myself. So I'll just say this. I miss your smile. I would say that I hope this note finds you well, but as these things go, that won't be the case.

Movie: Before I Disappear
[last lines] Richie: [quickly answering the phone almost before it rings]Hello?
Maggie: Look, why don't you come over for dinner on Friday. Around 7: 00? We'll talk. But if your late, or you disappoint Sophia, I'm gonna kill you, okay?
Richie: Okay.
Maggie: Okay.

Movie: Before I Disappear