Battlestar Galactica (2003) Quote

[As Kara Thrace pilots the Cylon Raider in a weapons test, she contacts Commander Adama.]
Adama: [to Kara] Go ahead.
Starbuck: I believed you. Believed in Earth.
Adama: What are you doing, Starbuck?
Starbuck: Bringing home the cat, sir.
Adama: We can talk about this.
Starbuck: No, I don't think so.
Adama: I want you to remember one thing. I do not regret anything that I did. Be sure that whatever you're going to do, you don't regret it later. Do you understand me?
Starbuck: I guess we'll find out. [Executes a FTL jump to Caprica]
Apollo: Galactica, Apollo. Starbuck has jumped away. Repeat, Starbuck has jumped away.
Tigh: She wasn't scheduled for a jump test! Where the hell did she go?
Adama: Home.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)


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