Bad Girls Quote

Sylvia Hollamby: Joan McParlan? [no-one stands]
Sylvia Hollamby: ... Sister Thomas Moore? [Sister Thomas stands]
Sylvia Hollamby: If you think you have the right to call yourself that... been stealing from the poor little black babbies, haven't you? There really isn't anyone you can trust these days.
Sister Thomas More: If you consider stealing - to be making sure that money raised by generous Christians actually goes direct to the mission it was intended - then I'm guilty as charged. But I'd rather think, that helping the poor and starving of Africa is more important than lining in the pockets of greedy administrators in London.
Sylvia Hollamby: Don't give me that - embezzlement and theft! You can stand there looking all saintly with your rosary and that gettup... but your worse than a common thief! Using God to cover up your crimes!
Sister Thomas More: I see you've made your mind up about me and I'm sorry about that, but I'm quite prepared to spend six months of the given sentence if it is God's will. He knows righteousness, and he is the only judge I bow before.

TV Show: Bad Girls


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