Babylon 5 Quote

[Londo is disturbed by front-line reports of Centauri conflicts.]
Londo Mollari: Now, I have been studying these reports from the front lines. You'll note the plural form—lines. Is there anyone along our border with whom we are not currently at war?
Lord Antono Refa: We need room to expand.
Londo: Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts.
. . .
[Londo insists that Refa discontinue his association with Morden's "associates".]
Refa: You walked away from the greatest power I have ever seen! And now you expect me to do the same? They are the key to my eventual rise to the throne! Why would I abandon them?
Londo: Because I have asked you. Because your loyalty to our people should be greater than your ambition. And because I have poisoned your drink.
[Lord Refa looks in astonishment at Londo]:
Londo: Yes…and it is very interesting poison. It comes in two parts. Both are harmless on their own. But when combined…quite lethal. The first settles into the bloodstream, and the intestinal walls. It stays there for years. Silent…dormant…waiting. When the other half of the poison enters your system the two meet, have a little party in your cardiovascular system…and suddenly, you are quite dead.
Refa: Why? Why did you do this?
Londo: To guarantee your cooperation! And because sooner or later, you would do it to me! As we are returning to the old ways, Refa, and poison was always the instrument of choice in the old Republic, being something of a sentimentalist, I got here first.

TV Show: Babylon 5


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