Ant-Man and the Wasp Quotes

[From Trailer] Scott Lang: Hold on, you gave her wings?
Dr. Hank Pym: And Blasters.
Scott Lang: So I take it you didn't have that tech available for me?
Dr. Hank Pym: No, I did.

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Cassie: [to Scott]You can do it. You can do anything. You're the world's greatest grandma.

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Scott Lang: [shrunk down to a child's size; runs into Pym's car after going undercover in a school]
Dr. Hank Pym: Hiya, champ, how was school today?
Scott Lang: Aw, ha ha ha! Alright, get your jokes out now, can you fix the suit?
Hope van Dyne: So cranky.
Dr. Hank Pym: You want a juice box and some string cheese?
Scott Lang: Do you really have that?

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Scott Lang: [sees Sonny Burch on a ferry that sails away]How did he even have time to buy a ticket? [tries to shrink down to his miniature size by pressing a button]
Scott Lang: Won't you just, one time, please, work! [successfully shrinks down to his miniature size]
Scott Lang: Yes! Oh, alright, I need help. Yes! [calls in a flying ant, though it is eaten by a bird]
Scott Lang: Oh... sorry.
Scott Lang: [calls in another flying ant, but it is again eaten by a bird]Hey! Come on, man! Not cool! [the same thing happens with multiple other flying ants]
Scott Lang: Murderers! [one flying ant catches him and starts to fly him to the ferry]
Scott Lang: Yes! I'm gonna call you ANT-onio Banderas! [another bird eats ANT-onio]
Scott Lang: No, no! [lunges off the flying ant and starts falling]
Scott Lang: ANT-onio!

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Shrunken Car Man: [gets his car shrunk]Well, the 60s were fun, but now I'm paying for it!

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Luis: Wazzuuuuup?

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Dr. Bill Foster: [From trailer]I was partners with Hank on a project called Goliath.
Scott Lang: How big did you get?
Dr. Bill Foster: My record - 21 feet. You?
Scott Lang: [Slight grin]65 feet.
Dr. Bill Foster: 65?
Hope van Dyne: If you two are finished comparing sizes...
Scott Lang: [Smirking]65!

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
[last lines] Scott Lang: Hello? Ha-ha, very funny. Hank, quit screwing around. You told me yourself, not screw around. [cut to Dr. Hank Pym, Hope van Dyne and Janet has all been disintegrated]
Scott Lang: Hank? Hope? Janet? Guys... Guys? Be seriously, don't joke around! Bring me up, let's go! GUYS!

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Dave: You put a dime in him, you got to let the whole song play out.

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Scott Lang: I do some dumb things, and the people I love the most - they pay the price.

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Sonny Burch: I've committed numerous health code violations at my restaurant. Some of them will shock you.

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Dr. Hank Pym: Are you going to keep staring at each other until they start shooting at us?

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Scott Lang: Anyone seen a Southern gentleman carrying a building?

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Maggie: What does the FBI even stand for? Forever Bothering Individuals?

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Hope van Dyne: [fights Ghost in her Wasp suit, though Ghost disappears; over the comm]Dad, are you seeing this?
Dr. Hank Pym: [watching Hope on the monitor with Scott]Hope, get out of there?
Ava: [reappears and flips Wasp onto a table]
Scott Lang: I gotta do something! [goes to leave]
Dr. Hank Pym: Wait! [takes out a miniature Ant-Man suit for Scott]
Dr. Hank Pym: He's still a work in progress.

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Ava: Nothing can prepare you for what's coming.

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Scott Lang: Work-in-progress my ass!

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Hope van Dyne: [to Scott]Thanks to you, we had to run. We're still running.

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Jimmy Woo: You got away with it this time, Scott, but I'll be seeing you again.
Scott Lang: Where?
Jimmy Woo: Huh?
Scott Lang: Where will you be seeing me again?
Jimmy Woo: Like, in general I'll see, like, the next time you... do something bad I'll be there...
Scott Lang: Oh.
Jimmy Woo: catch you.
Scott Lang: You'll be watching and...
Jimmy Woo: Yeah.
Scott Lang: I thought you were inviting me somewhere.
Jimmy Woo: Why would I do that?
Scott Lang: That's what I was wondering. Why would you do that? I...
Jimmy Woo: Like a party? Or dinner or something?
Scott Lang: I don't know, I thought you were...
Jimmy Woo: No, I meant...
Scott Lang: ...planning the evening.
Jimmy Woo: No, I meant to, like, arrest you.
Scott Lang: No, that'd be a little strange.
Jimmy Woo: Like, I'll arrest you later again.
Scott Lang: Take it easy.
Jimmy Woo: Okay. [turns to leave then turns back to Scott]
Jimmy Woo: Did you want to grab dinner or something? Because, I mean - [Scott shakes his head no]
Jimmy Woo: Because I'm free...

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Hope van Dyne: Oh, my God. You *didn't* destroy the suit?
Dr. Hank Pym: WHAT?
Scott Lang: Well, it was your life's work, Hank. I couldn't destroy that. Before I turned myself in, I shrunk it down and mailed it to Luis.
Dr. Hank Pym: You sent my suit through the MAIL?
Scott Lang: Hey, the postal service is very reliable, you know? They do tracking numbers now. Like UPS.

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Scott Lang: I had a dream. She was playing hide and seek with a little... girl. Cassie and I do it all the time. It doesn't mean anything.
Hope van Dyne: But, was it Cassie in the dream?
Scott Lang: No.
Hope van Dyne: Where was she hiding?
Scott Lang: What?
Hope van Dyne: The little girl, where was she hiding. Was it in a wardrobe?.
Scott Lang: No, in a tall dresser
Dr. Hank Pym: You mean a wardrobe.
Scott Lang: Is that what that's called?

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Sonny Burch: Okay, hold on, hold on. I like a good story as much as the next person, but what in the hell does this have to do with where Scott Lang is?
Luis: I'm getting there. I'm getting there.
Dave: You put a dime in him, and you gotta let the whole song play out.
Kurt: He like human jukebox.
Luis: Oh, my abuelita had a jukebox in the restaurant! Yeah, only played Morrissey. And if anybody ever complained, she'd be like Oh, ?no te gusta Moz. You know, Chicanos we call him Moz. Then, íadi¾s!. What can I say? You know, we relate to this melancholy ballads. You know?

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Hope van Dyne: What took you so long?
Scott Lang: She just wanted to give me a hug, wish me luck.
Hope van Dyne: Really?
Scott Lang: Yeah.

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Luis: The undercarriage is filthy!

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Hope van Dyne: No more last minute business trips, okay?

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Dr. Hank Pym: Last night we powered up the tunnel for the first time. It overloaded, and it shut down. But for a split second, the doorway to the Quantum Realm was opened.
Scott Lang: And?
Hope van Dyne: And five minutes later, you called. Talking about Mom.
Dr. Hank Pym: We think when you went down there, you may have entangled with her.
Scott Lang: Hank, I would never do that. I respect you too much.
Dr. Hank Pym: *Quantum* entanglement, Scott.

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Dr. Hank Pym: Just tell me you weren't lying about the suit you took. Tell me you really destroyed it.
Scott Lang: I did. I destroyed it. I swear.
Dr. Hank Pym: I can't believe you destroyed my suit! That was my life's work.

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Dr. Hank Pym: Relax. No one's gonna recognize us.
Scott Lang: What, because of hats and sunglasses? It's not a disguise, Hank. We look like ourselves at a baseball game.

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Hope van Dyne: What took you so long?
Scott Lang: Sorry, I had to come up with a name for my ant. I'm thinking Ulysses S. Gr-Ant.

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Ava: This is the way!

Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp