Another Fine Mess Quote

Stan: [posing as the butler] You wish to see Colonel Buckshot?

Lord Leopold Plumtree: Why, I'd LOVE to! Hauw-haw-haw-huh-huh-huh-huh!

Stan: [turning away and calling toward the stairway] Colonel Buckshot!
[a few seconds pass with no answer]

Stan: Oh, Ollie - - uh - - Colonel Buckshot!
[No answer]

Stan: [speaking to Lord Plumtree and his wife] Wait there.
[He walks several yards to the foot of the stairs, then cups his hand to his mouth and hollers up the stairs]

Stan: Colonel BUCKshot...
[using his classic shrill whistle]


Ollie: [posing as Colonel Buckshot] What is it, Hives?

Stan: [wincing at the derogatory name Hardy has chosen for him] Lord Appletree - - he wants to rent a room.

Lord Leopold Plumtree: No, no, my dear fellow - - 'PLUMtree'. 'PLUMtree'. Lord Leopold 'Plumtree' - - my card. And I wish to rent the entire HOUSE.
[inspects the new card that Lord Plumtree has given him, then absently tosses the first card away]

Movie: Another Fine Mess


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