Angel Quote

Darla: So, where have you two been?
Drusilla: Can I tell?
Spike: No need to be humble.
Drusilla: My little Spike just killed himself a Slayer.
Darla: [to Angel] Did you hear that?
Angel: [to Spike] Congratulations. I guess that makes you one of us.
Spike: Don't be so glum, eh? The way you tell it, one Slayer snuffs another one rises. I figure, there is a new chosen one getting all chosen even as we speak. I tell you what, when and if this new bird shows up, I'll give you first crack at it!
[Drusilla steps past Angel in the direction of the alley.]
Drusilla: Hmm, I smell fear.
Angel: This whole place reeks of it.
[Spike wraps his arms around Drusilla from behind.]
Drusilla: It's intoxicating.
Angel: Let's get out of here. This rebellion is starting to bore me.
[Darla watches as Angel walks past Drusilla, giggling in Spike's arms, then follows him. Nice, slow motion shot of the four of them walking down the street with the burning buildings and riot all around. Spike steps on a bundle in his path and leaps high into the air. Angel is walking down the street, grim-faced leading the way, with Darla just a step behind him. Spike is carrying Dru in his arms, kissing her. Darla is watching Angel.]

TV Show: Angel


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