American Ultra Quote

Adrian Yates: Well, if it isn't Miss Stockholm Syndrome 2010.
Phoebe: Yates. What the fuck are you doing here?
Adrian Yates: Whoa. That's unprofessional.
Phoebe: Who's running this operation? Since when did desk jockeys like you run field ops?
Adrian Yates: Well, I guess that's the problem with going dark for five years. You kinda fall out of the loop on a couple things.
Phoebe: Do you have authorization at all? Where's Krueger?
Adrian Yates: Phoebe Selburg. She who'd rather suck some stoner's cock than turn herself in for debrief, is going to question my authorization? I've read your file. You have no secrets from me! Your boyfriend isn't real. We made him. Oh, I'm so sorry that some lab-rat made you cum a bunch of times in the back of a Taco Bell. Yeah, that's probably a good reason to throw away your entire life! I guess it all worked out because look where I am now. In charge of a major operation. And look where you are. Under departmental arrest for insubordination, and your face is all messed up. And I'm going to get a promotion.

Movie: American Ultra


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