American Dreams Quote

Patty: Who won best couples?
Luke: What's best couples?
Meg: How did you know about that?
Patty: It was in TeenZine. [to Luke] You can write in and vote for your favorite couples on Bandstand. Who won?
Meg: Um, Jim and Shelley, and David and Kathryn, and me.
Patty: You and Jimmy Riley?
Luke: Who's Jimmy Riley?
Patty: Last year the couples kissed. Are you gonna kiss? You and Jimmy Riley?
Luke: I repeat, who's Jimmy Riley?
Patty: That's Meg's partner on Bandstand. They went on a date once-
Meg: Patty!
Patty: Meg gave him a black eye.
Meg: Who asked you?!
Patty: Actually, Luke did. She didn't mean to hit him. So, are you gonna kiss him?

TV Show: American Dreams


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