15 Storeys High Quote

Vince: It's funny how different people seem when you're trapped in a lift with them
Naomi the Ice Queen: What do you mean?
Vince: It's just, I used to really fancy you
Naomi the Ice Queen: Oh, what and you don't now?
Vince: No. I thought you were perfect, now I realize you're just the sort of woman who gets stuck in a lift. Just like all the others.
Naomi the Ice Queen: That's not my fault
Vince: You wouldn't get Naomi Campbell stuck in a lift, would you?
Naomi the Ice Queen: So?
Vince: It just makes you very ordinary.
Naomi the Ice Queen: Well you're stuck in a lift
Vince: Yeah, but I'm not the one who swans about like Chris Eubank, am I, farting Wedgwood pottery into a golden bowl of rose petals?

Movie: 15 Storeys High


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