Yanny Quotes

Personal Quotes by Yanny

Sometimes we may say that life is sweet when we ever walked by mistake and through them all we succeed, survived

By Yanny
Life is not about fate, it's about what you choose to make who you are

By Yanny
Blame me if I'm wrong, but don't you blind for the truth that lies

By Yanny
Forgive me when I'm wrong, teach me to be right.

By Yanny
Words can only change people's perspectives, but not turning them into a saint.

By Yanny
If only I knew, honesty gains nothing but pain. I would rather lie, and serve your ears with all perfections.

By Yanny
My heart is not your drinking bar, where you could come anytime you want for a beer, and leave whenever you're done

By Yanny
Fake friends are like shooting stars, when we are fragile in our lonesome, they exist for a few seconds then gone like forever

By Yanny

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