yahaya_chadi Quotes

Personal Quotes by yahaya_chadi

he who looks at his best alone, will never see others'

By yahaya_chadi
if I manage to jump over a pacific ocean, I tried it for myself. But if you make it a chance for me to jump over a well, you made it well for me.

By yahaya_chadi
since when I was born, I was beaten to scream, and I have seen why not in this life be; without a blow, and if I haven't scream in this life there will be no comfort to rest.

By yahaya_chadi
wisdom is kingdom, but when it's freedom has been seldom, it turns out to be a boredom.

By yahaya_chadi
light is right, it makes a good sight.

By yahaya_chadi
sentence are tenses, but when the verbs are missing the subject becomes nonsense.

By yahaya_chadi
if you claim to be a woman then give birth.

By yahaya_chadi
nothing less, okay?

By yahaya_chadi
if it begin hard, it ends at ease

By yahaya_chadi
when the door opens alone, it scares..

By yahaya_chadi
life is always new, but when it happen you see a returning scene, it's still new. time has change.

By yahaya_chadi
for every good has the guts

By yahaya_chadi
he who awaits tomorrow, the future comes not soon.

By yahaya_chadi
if the morning begun bright, pray it shines

By yahaya_chadi
it's when the morning rise, the cock crow

By yahaya_chadi
he who hates the wrong at him, should love not to wrong others

By yahaya_chadi
no great men came by others names, it was in their name they were remarked in good grades.

By yahaya_chadi
if you have a frame, try not to re-size it, or else you will damage it

By yahaya_chadi
if you have awake a morning, go out of bed to see the sunshine.

By yahaya_chadi
it's not easy for a mother to love others child above hers, no matter how poisonous he is, is still hers.

By yahaya_chadi
if you look at me like nothing, then you had seen something.

By yahaya_chadi
men were great by good, and some men had vanished by their evil

By yahaya_chadi
when there is no cloud, no rain

By yahaya_chadi
when one has his pea, he has the poultry.

By yahaya_chadi
it's not a reason if you have two kings, the truth shall save you

By yahaya_chadi
if a hand has the gift to give, then happiness counts.

By yahaya_chadi
when a monkey see the cloud emerging, he will begin to disturb.

By yahaya_chadi
if a dog and a cat will eat on a plate at the same time, it's not because they lived by peace but they learned to mind their own business with each other.

By yahaya_chadi
when one misses a kiss has not loved to misses you but misses the merry making. But for one to miss how great you are must have loved you well..

By yahaya_chadi
a hero is the who had lucks, even when it comes more than once

By yahaya_chadi
love without jealous is like a life, no one lives

By yahaya_chadi
when the words comes to mind, and if you have gotten the chance but couldn't speak them out, you will end wandering...

By yahaya_chadi
if it happen you see the back, try as much as possible to see how the front will be,if truly you want a smile.

By yahaya_chadi
light never ends, but when one sees darkness in the day, must have done wrong yesterday.

By yahaya_chadi
I guess much, no one comes to live by fancy, the truth must in one way... invade.

By yahaya_chadi
it never hurts, until it hits

By yahaya_chadi
he who surrenders beloves not to die..

By yahaya_chadi
pleasure is never a pressure so also pressure will never be measured in pleasure, if so does be measured, then one will befall in calamity

By yahaya_chadi
it makes no great when one sleep his desire out of way.

By yahaya_chadi
he who hold unto God, must have gotten a tense of sense

By yahaya_chadi
he who goes in must have gotten a way in

By yahaya_chadi
its never an end route if mess befalls you.

By yahaya_chadi
I will never scrolled what will harm me but it scrolls with me a harmful living, loving an idiot.

By yahaya_chadi
the worsen must be in self, if seen worsen.

By yahaya_chadi
she feeds him with a milk but he kisses her with a cane.

By yahaya_chadi
the strongest love in this world is with mothers

By yahaya_chadi
a blank trial is forever null, but what makes it great is; if you have rent a trail and fail, you are a success.

By yahaya_chadi
if a wife will honor the death of her husband, then will that be called love?

By yahaya_chadi
if you laugh at your own wrong, definately they will cry on it. but once you point at th great of yours, them be prepared to cry on them.

By yahaya_chadi
and now that am awake, my eyes ought to see, but the day isn't all that bright, I set for a prayer to rise a morning in it's good.

By yahaya_chadi
it's only a fool who will skip the meaning of a little word.

By yahaya_chadi
it takes so much to be who you are, if you know very much of who you are, and that will be great of fun depending what you want.

By yahaya_chadi
it takes the night so long, if you have had a short headache

By yahaya_chadi
Even if without a ring, marriage could not have been broken.

By yahaya_chadi

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