Nyanko_Atreides Quotes

Personal Quotes by Nyanko_Atreides

"The real reason for one writing, is to experience something inspiring. Even if one in life is writing alone, it truly means hope is never gone."

By Nyanko_Atreides
Destined to do what is right. Destined to do what is honorable. Will live through righteousness. Will die through honor.

By Nyanko_Atreides
Enjoy a beautiful day like today, because your smile says it all. But don't forget on doing it everyday, for your happiness will truly stand tall.

By Nyanko_Atreides
From the long past to the sudden present. It's amazing how people do grow in life. As one never forgets the other in many years. A friendship can still remain very much alive.

By Nyanko_Atreides
I'm proud to be a strong woman. I'm happy to be a kind woman. But most of all in my life... I'm blessed to be a loved woman.

By Nyanko_Atreides
A passion that unites a noble person. A person who leads with a high inspiration. An inspiration for an honorable reason. And a reason to fight with a great determination.

By Nyanko_Atreides

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