markbpeterson Quotes

Personal Quotes by markbpeterson

What’s fair is that you accept a role for yourself in life that is not exactly as you planned.

By markbpeterson
Perform each day a flawless act and thus emulate the perfect universe that tolerates your existence.

By markbpeterson
By and large, the good and great things I have done will be forgotten but for those who, sooner or later, stand up and take credit for them all.

By markbpeterson
A powerful gauge of effectiveness is the manner in which you deal with compromise.

By markbpeterson
You will be perceived in strict accordance with your definition of control.

By markbpeterson
The reason for time is change.

By markbpeterson
Either failure or success can result from diligent repetition of self-willed acts.

By markbpeterson
Some form opinions and listen. Others form opinions and speak. Wisdom councils which and when. Not all are wise.

By markbpeterson

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