kjforce Quotes

Personal Quotes by kjforce

My Life is like a TV sitcom...minus the laugh track.

By kjforce
Sometimes my life is like a wheel, going round and round.. only difference I don't go anywhere.

By kjforce
Grandchildren...The opportunity to do again, what you missed the first time around.

By kjforce
I call my Husband my ROCK ..because when I speak to him, it's like talking to a rock.

By kjforce
A Sugar Daddy has the same meaning to a child and a 21 year old female.. A sweet, soft, sucker

By kjforce
I am not saying I am perfect and have all the answers...but I defy you to find anything wrong with what I just quoted.

By kjforce
Love to some means never having to say... I'm sorry, excuse me, please, thank you , pardon me, OOPS, and my favorite.... can I help ? ( b4 you have completed the task )...

By kjforce
Spring has Sprung, my nose does say, SOW now go and Sneeze the Day ..

By kjforce
Negativiry is in the air..it's here. it's there..it's everywhere...

By kjforce
Tomorrow is the Yesterday that was to be Today...

By kjforce
Yesterday was the Today of what Tomorrow was to be...

By kjforce
Today is the Yesterday of Tomorrow ...

By kjforce
Today is the Tomorrow of what Yesterday was ...

By kjforce
Having a bit of a clue... is better than being totally clueless...

By kjforce
Having any idea is better than no idea at all...

By kjforce
To fail at something is devastating...not attempting anything can be detrimental ...

By kjforce
All my original quotes are FOOD for THOUGHT...without any WEIGHT gain ...

By kjforce
2014...the year human priority was to be mean...

By kjforce
Please make note for 2015...strive to be a better Human being...

By kjforce
Hell hath no fury, like a Woman who has already lived there...

By kjforce
I live as a WEED in the Garden of Life...whatever I'm still here.

By kjforce
She was filled with Joy when he asked her to marry..then Joy was the reason for the divorce..

By kjforce
I will never know my accomplishments,unless I have tasted failure.

By kjforce
I tried and tried to do everything right in my life...guess I was too trying.

By kjforce
Sometimes we do things in the name of love...but they are taken as critical judgement

By kjforce

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