john_d Quotes

Personal Quotes by john_d

ursuit is that of a piece of mind in a world full of deception and confusion.

By john_d
The greatest Pursuit is that of a piece of mind in a world full of deception and confusion

By john_d
The moment we begin to eradicate desire and lust from our eyes will be the moment when we truly start seeing woman for the beauty and completeness they truly are.

By john_d
Our most deepest desire are often the by product of what we allow ourselves to be exposed to on a daily basis

By john_d
The mental pursuit of greatness is the begining of the heart's hate for simplicity and the soul's lust for the extrodinary

By john_d
long walks to freedom begin with that one step where You wake up from the fantasy of ur desire and start to live in the reality of their establishm ent, no hope is too big to be seen no dream is too great to be visualised and no desire is too big to be touched all you have to do is to wake up and start moving towards it

By john_d

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