Fy_d_r Quotes

Personal Quotes by Fy_d_r

Determination is an intention that calls for the action of implementation.

By Fy_d_r
Some things may seem ineffective but the moment you start to be active is the time you see that they are effective.

By Fy_d_r
Some things may seem ineffective but the moment you start to be active is the time you see that they are effective.

By Fy_d_r
Despite the hiccups you encounter on your journey to success,never waiver but endeavor for in your endeavor,success is imminent.

By Fy_d_r
The wrong is put to right the moment you put your mind to right.Always be on the right side and always do the right!

By Fy_d_r
When the world seems to have turned its back on you,never worry for there is a God who will never turn His back on you,He is always there to deliver you,He will always love you.You are not alone!

By Fy_d_r
When the world seems to have turned its back on you,never worry for there is a God who will never turn His back on you,He is always there to deliver you,He will always love you.You are not alone!

By Fy_d_r

Famous Quotes by Fy_d_r

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Movie/TV Quotes by Fy_d_r

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